Monday, January 16, 2017

Realism is the literary technique that is used to describe each story element, i.e., setting, character traits, etc. without the use of elaborated imagery, or using literary elements such as metaphor or figurative language. The author will explain things exactly as they are without "sugar coating" or decorating the language, nor the attributes being described.
  • ·         Realism is the literary technique that is used to describe each story element, such as setting, character traits, etc.
  • ·         Without the use of elaborated imagery, or using literary elements such as metaphor or figurative language.
  • ·         The author will tend to explain things exactly as they are without "sugar coating" or decorating the language, nor the attributes being described.

The setting of “A Doll’s House”, which is in Norway in the late 1800s, enforces realism in a way that the characters move about in a way that mirrors the struggles, stereotypes and structure of the real world outside the play.
  • ·         The setting of the play “A Doll’s House”, is set in Norway in the late 1800s during the Victorian Era.
  • ·         The setting enforces realism such that the characters move about in a way that mirrors the struggles, stereotypes and structure of the real world outside the play.

For example, it is evident Nora lives in a fantasy world while the real world around her suffers, dies, works hard, and resents injustice. It is no wonder that, toward the end, Nora HAD to suffer some consequence from living in such oblivion. At some point, she had to grow up and join the ranks of the rest.
  • ·         Throughout the play, Nora lives in a fantasy world, or dollhouse, while the “real world” around her suffers, dies, works hard, and resents injustice.
  • ·         Eventually, towards the end of the story Nora had to suffer some consequence for living in such oblivion.
  • ·         At some point, she had to grow up and join the ranks of the rest.

Another example of characters in the play mirroring struggles in the Victorian Era, is how Torvald, for example, lived well and provided well for his family, but still had to warn and advise Nora on how to spend the hard-earned money, since the Helmer’s belonged in the respectable upper middle class of the Victorian Era where individuals were financially successful and stable, but still had to earn their living through hard work.
  • ·         The Helmers were in the respectable upper middle class of the Victorian Era, were individuals were financially stable, but still had to earn their living through hard work.
  • ·         That’s why although Torvald lived well and provided well for his family, he stills tends to warn and advise Nora on how to spend hard-earned money.

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