Saturday, January 14, 2017

A Doll’s House (Setting)

*      Place: Helmer’s house, Norway
*      Time: Christmas season in the late 1800s

Norway in the late 1800s

*      Economy: The Economic BOOM
Þ   development of the economy began in the 1840s
Þ   experienced a significant economic growth in 1843 up to mid-1870s (econ. boom)
o   can mainly be attributed to Norway’s success in foreign trade, mining and growth in agricultural productivity
Þ   families became more well-off and had more income and time to spend leisurely

Þ   The economy became more industrialized Since the country’s independence in 1814, which lead to the creation of new jobs and opportunities
Þ   Due to this, the upper-middle class became larger
Þ   Before this class existed, most of the wealthy people were a part of the aristocracy, and therefore born with a silver spoon  
Þ   Now, people could work for financial betterment and get into the upper-middle class through education and hardwork
Þ   However, despite the benefits of the economy’s development, people became of over-aware of money, which lead to obsession

v The development of Norway’s economy is reflected in the lives of the characters as finances is a constant subject throughout the play

*      Social Structures
Þ   late 19th century: a time when social standing was given great importance and was abided by very strictly
Þ   Helmer’s family belongs to the upper-middle class, which holds a great reputation for financial success, good morals, and a patriarchal family
Þ   Patriarchal family:
o    the wife is in service to her husband and is in charge of housework and the children
o   the husband is in charge of controlling finances and being the head of the household
Þ   Women had no rights to property
Þ   Even after a divorce, the husband had complete legal control over any income earned by his wife

Winters in Norway: October to Early January

Þ   Can be a light snow-filled paradise, but can also be harsh and dark especially in areas up north
Þ   winter is divided into two:
o   1st part: October to early January ® the darkest times of the year, known as mørketiden (literally defined as  the time north of the Arctic circle when the sun doe not rise)
§  wet and often accompanied by storms
o   2nd part: after Christmas, the weather feels cooler and snowfall becomes heavier
§  days are still quite dark, however what little light there is is reflected off on the snow, thus giving a brighter-looking landscape
*      Christmas season in Norway
Þ   known as “jul” (pronounced ‘yul’) in this season, particularly on dec. 23rd or 24th, occurs Lille julaften or “Little Christmas Eve” in which a Christmas tree is set out and decorated in households
Þ   Christmas Eve: the most important time of the winter holidays
o   traditionally celebrated with the family
§  children open their Christmas stockings, and the fire place is lit
§  festive foods and baked goods are also prepared on the table

*      etymology of (a) word/s:

o   December ® Latin; “decem” means “ten”; tenth month of the old Roman calendar, which began with March


  1. This is all the research I've done for now, but I'll definitely add more to it. Do check the 1st source above to understand more about Norway in the 19th century.

  2. Remember that you should relate the information of the place and time to the book and the characters. Try to only mention points relevant to the story in detail, the rest can be briefly mentioned.
